Rotaract Club of Nairobi Magharibi

The Change-Makers' Collective

Who We Are

Hey there Captain of change!

Wondering what RAC Nairobi Magharibi is all about? Think of us as Change Makers Collective. We are not just a club, we are a tight-knit crew of change enthusiasts who’ve got each other’s backs through every twist and turn on the journey of creating a better world. And you know what? We
have a blast while doing it!

I’m thrilled to be spearheading another incredible year of fun in service.
So whether you’re a seasoned change maker or just getting started, we invite you to join us. Let’s have fun while making a real impact together. Are you ready to be a part of something amazing?

Get involved with the Rotaract Club of Nairobi Magharibi today!

Chepchumba Limo,
Club President 2023 – 2024

What We Do


Serving the Community

At the Rotaract Club of Nairobi Magharibi, we believe that the smallest act of caring could be the biggest act of love. We are committed to creating sustainable change through collaboration, harnessing the diverse expertise around us and volunteer engagement.


Building Leaders & Professionals

We aim to enrich members’ professional skills, broaden their perspectives, reinforce their ethical principles, and empower them to create a greater impact in their professional careers and community service.


Fun through Service

Welcome to a world of vibrant service and unforgettable moments through the spirit of fun in service! The Club Service Committee envisions a trilogy of remarkable events that encapsulate the power of Magharibi Magic. This is our world of camaraderie and joy!

Rotaract Stories

I've thoroughly enjoyed being a Rotaractor. Magharibi Magic!
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That we can impact communities like this really gives me joy...
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Service Above Self